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Revitalize your wellness routine with these self-massage trigger point therapy balls. Target tight and sore muscles, including hard-to-reach areas like shoulders, traps, hips and glutes for effective pain relief, improved mobility, and stress reduction. These medium firmness, natural rubber balls mimic deep massage techniques by targeting focalized points of the fascial layers.


You can choose to use a single, small ball for more focused pressure and on smaller areas such as the feet, or both small trigger balls in their tote to disperse body weight and provide a less intense experience over a more broad area. The larger ball is excellent for targeting larger areas of the body like the pecs, quads and glutes. As with anything, let your body guide you towards what it needs.


I recommend using daily for pain prevention on common trouble areas such as the feet and upper back.

Trigger Point Massage Balls - 2 Sizes

$19.99 Regular Price
$17.99Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Natural Rubber Tigger Point Massage Balls

    • Approx. 2 3/4" (7cm) Pair in Tote
    • Approx. 3 1/2" (9cm) Single Ball
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